Crazy good Garlic Butter Brussels Sprouts that even the Brussels sprout haters will love! I toss my sprouts in a magical garlic butter sauce that’s loaded with tons of yummy flavor right after they’re roasted. So good you’ll want to make these all the time! I’m confident enough to say that you’ve never had Brussels sprouts like these before. Garlic butter brussels sprouts are sure to be the highlight of your holiday table. And I wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t true. Brussels Sprouts. You know; the little cabbagey looking things that children loathe from an early age. Parents usually throw empty threats in their direction along the lines of ‘you’re not getting up from the table if you don’t finish your Brussels sprouts.’ The quintessential side dish that even the dog won’t bother eating because all that’s been done to them is a quick zap in the microwave. Certainly, nothing that’s worth your time. They’re mushy and overcooked, bitter, and or severely lacking in the flavor departmen...